Yup, another tumble...Budu!
It was at Elie's Futsal Bday Party, I was in for all but two freaking minutes, touched the ball no but one of my favourite kids of all time accidentally steped and crunched my foot and I heard it go crack 1 way then another. Poor kid didn't even notice as he ran off after the ball. And stupid me shouldn't have told him so coz he felt bad, told him I would have tumbled anyway!
But, this time I went to the sing-sang the next day (2day) and got it "fixed".
Now, normally I would not be a fan of going to a sing-sang as I grew up with a sing-sang for neighbour. It was quite common to see "horrific" (in my mind) things there as he twisted people wrists, arms and legs back into place!
But in Dec 2005 I had a small tumble with major hurt which saw me head to Kuching Hospital for an x-ray. Four days later, Judith's mum was kind enough to force me to go see this sing-sang. Of course, I screamed my head off but while I walked in with crutches I walked out without them!
So, yes I went back to Jason the sing-sang in Damai. This time his son, Nelson worked on my foot while the kind people who brought me there waited outside. Needless to say I screamed again at one point and 1 of my friends was about to rush in to rescue me but 80 year old Jason came in instead (thank gawd).
His son tried his best but when I stood up my foot was worse than before I went in! But never fear, the old sing-sang with his Kim Jung Ill glasses sat down and worked on my foot. He just spent a total of 30 seconds on my ankle and viola when he asked me to stand up and it was HEAPS better!
A quick bandage of really hot brown paste and a bandage and sent me off my merry way! So, its okay la now...but perhaps no more futsal for me...perhaps...