I had forgotten how much I love the rain at night and how much I enjoy being alone. Heck, when I was 13 my siblings designated me Loner '88. Back then I would walk at night down the main road and if was raining it was a wonderful plus!!
Don't get me wrong, I am quite the social butterfly and when I say that I just really mean I like people and I like hanging out with them.
I once spent a Summer in NZ without my flatmates as they had all gone back to their kampungs but I enjoyed it. It was a time to rebuild my strength from my 1st breakdown (as they were more in my future, now my past, to come).
I took walks, I drove, I moved the lawn, "reheated" food, and of course I had K-2 too!! He was always a wonderful cat. I swear the are really special and know when you are not well and need some cuddling. K-2 would come sleep on your (well my) chest when I was sickly or down. Feet all snuggled under his body, nosey down and all purring. Sweet...miss the tubby bugger.
He died in 2001 or 2002. I do remember it was a Friday afternoon when Yvonne called me after she found out. It was devastating. I remember every bit of the conversation and I remember slumping under my table at work...
Back to that summer, I also found old friends who suddenly reappeared! Ingrid actually, and I meet and got to know Bevan. I remember going to the cliffs near Sumner Beach with Ingrid and pretending to push her off the cliff. Ingrid survived and now has two kiddies with Bevan and they live in Norge and I've had a f*&^(*% good life!!!
Today, I am watching the rain. I would love to go for a walk in it but now days I can't do that cause I get sick all the time. Funny I was always a sickly kid but never from the rain. It was always, always, lovely, refreshing, cleansing, rejuvenating.
Not so now, so I sit here watching it, missing the feel of it but (unfortunately) knowing better I don't go out and walk, play, immerse in it.
Still it is a beauty to watch.
These are the nice things I will remember about home qurantine. But yes, I do miss certain little people that I can cuddle and play with. Still I am fortunate as heck to see them for a bit when their kind mom drops by with food for me. Yes, I am fortunate indeed.